Hi everybody,
first of all sorry, that I'm writing in English. I thought this would be better than trying to translate with Google translate .
I'm the developer of the Firefox Add-on EPUBReader which turns Firefox into an eBook reader.
Mozilla announced that starting with Firefox 57 (released Dec 2017) only WebExtension Add-ons will be running. To avoid that my Add-on stops running then, it needs to be rewritten almost completely. As I don't want to let die my Add-on, I started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the development.
If you like my Add-on I would be very happy, if you support the campaign !
統計資料 : 發表於 由 mikelv • 發表於 2017-02-05, 22:08 • 回覆 0 • 觀看 21
first of all sorry, that I'm writing in English. I thought this would be better than trying to translate with Google translate .
I'm the developer of the Firefox Add-on EPUBReader which turns Firefox into an eBook reader.
Mozilla announced that starting with Firefox 57 (released Dec 2017) only WebExtension Add-ons will be running. To avoid that my Add-on stops running then, it needs to be rewritten almost completely. As I don't want to let die my Add-on, I started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the development.
If you like my Add-on I would be very happy, if you support the campaign !
統計資料 : 發表於 由 mikelv • 發表於 2017-02-05, 22:08 • 回覆 0 • 觀看 21